What’s Your Tipping Point?
In Exodus 18 Moses and the Israelites are in the wilderness doing life. We find Moses judging each conflict which has created a lot of frustration for everyone involved. His father-in-law Jethro, also a priest, comes to visit. Jethro celebrates with Moses but then observes that he handles all the disputes by himself. Jethro shares from a place of experience and says, “The work is too heavy for you; you cannot handle it alone.” Then he shares a team-building strategy that revolutionizes the way Moses leads.
We all see the value of a trusted peer sharing outside perspective out of experience and humility. But what can cause us to be resistant to opening ourselves up to asking? Whether it is unrealistic expectations we have placed on ourselves to be perfect or fear of vulnerability, we understand and have been there. But what is your tipping point? At what point will your pain become greater than your hesitation to seek trusted outside counsel? Counsel who doesn’t have a dog in the hunt, as my grandmother used to say. When we stop and think about it from a different perspective every great athlete has a great coach. We know we all have blind spots. Why do we place unrealistic expectations on ourselves to go at it alone?
Before Jethro’s visit, Moses had subconsciously slipped into a management role that was creating frustration and bottlenecking progress. It was not sustainable. It was exhausting. Here is Moses, a gifted visionary leader not facing a spiritual issue, but a structural one. By opening himself to outside counsel from Jethro, he was able to implement a scalable and sustainable strategy that brought everyone involved great freedom. Partnering with a trusted outside source will bring insight and freedom.
Everyone wins.
We often say that a common denominator between the top C-Suite performers and top athletes is that they have a trusted consultant or coach that has come alongside them to help them move from where they are to where they want to be. So, what is holding you back?
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