Welcome to exo18?

Have you ever felt leadership pain and not known where to turn? We have too, and that’s exactly why we founded exo18.

Several years ago, God placed a burden on mine and Ed’s hearts for executive leaders pastoring churches and leading missions’ organizations across the globe. Our hearts were heavy for spiritual leaders, as we understood the nuances and complexities of leading large organizations during unprecedented times.

Short for Exodus 18, exo18 comes from a portion of scripture that provides leadership insights that are still relevant today. Moses’s father-in-law, Jethro, shares leadership principles with Moses that revolutionize his leadership. It often takes a trusted and experienced outsider to help us navigate hurdles in our organizations that have prevented desired growth. Ed and I have utilized the insights provided in this leadership scripture for decades, and now we are investing in front-line leaders across the nation.

So, who are we? That’s a valid question to ask when you are considering seeking guidance from an outside firm. Not only is Ed the President and CEO of exo18, but he also pastored for over 30 years, and is a guy who can move the ball down the field. He has a proven track record of leading a multi-site mega-church where he implemented scalable growth strategies, staff expansion, capital campaigns, revitalizations, campus acquisitions, ministry development, and building campaigns. Of course, leading a growing multisite church gives you more experience than I listed, but since I am his biggest fan, I shouldn’t go on forever.

Alongside Ed, I served as an Executive Leader for over two decades. I am the Co-Founder of exo18, Founder and President of Christy’s Cause (a nonprofit working to eradicate child sex trafficking and exploitation), and an advocate. I guess you could also say I am the systems guru. The “get-it-done and then some” girl. Kelle Sherpy is over Strategic Operations and a Strategist on the exo18 team. Kelle served as Executive Director of a global anti-trafficking nonprofit, pastored for years, was a professional athlete, worked in higher education, is a business owner, and moonlights as a coach. Todd Bolt, Brian McNabb, John Bascheri, Mallory Bassham, and Jance Mosley make up Our Team. We collectively have over 100 years of experience and say that we have Executive Office expertise with street-smart experience. A lot of street-smart experience tbh. I’m also the funny one if you haven’t picked up on that yet.

The bottom line, we have a burden for kingdom-minded male and female front-line leaders across the nation. We are excited to be part of a growing organization that brings clarity, shares solutions, and offers resources. We will help you move from where you are to where you want to be. Contact us via this form and let us help you reduce the leadership pain you’ve been living with.

Listen to the coordinating Podcast on:


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What’s Your Tipping Point?


Navigating Staff Transition